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Author Guidelines

The Liceu-Online journal accepts scientific articles resulting from research work provided that: 1) they represent technical-scientific advances; 2) they establish specific questions and reflections related to the different areas of Social Sciences; 3) they include critical analyses that have as a starting point theoretical assumptions to support new hypotheses on the issues raised; 4) they portray and analyze relevant cases or situations in organizations; 5) they present a review of a relevant theme or subject, effectively contributing to the related discussions.

The works submitted for publication in Liceu-On-line must be original. It is understood that works presented at conferences are still works in progress and only cease to be original when they are published in scientific journals.

The works may be submitted in Portuguese, English and Spanish.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

Number of authors: a maximum of 5 authors are allowed per article; changes (removal, inclusion and replacement) in the authorship of articles are not permitted after online submission.

Author affiliation and identification of authorship and co-authorship: The person responsible for the submission must fill in the educational background and institutional affiliation of all authors, in “inclusion of metadata/biography summary”. The hierarchy must be followed - university, college and department (if applicable). Authors must be presented in order of their level of contribution. In the submitted file, no type of identification of the author or co-authors is permitted, including the file properties, under penalty of archiving the document.

Formatting standard: Liceu On-Lice Journal accepts papers in APA format. The formatting manual is available on the FECAP library website at:

Paper and Margins: A4 paper, with 3 cm top and left margins, and 2 cm bottom and right margins.

Font: The text should be written in Times New Roman or Arial 12 font.

Paragraphs: The text should be justified and the line spacing should be 1.5. The indentation on the first line of each paragraph should be 1.25 cm.

Number of pages: Minimum 15 and maximum 25 pages (including abstract, bibliographical references, tables, charts and illustrations).

Charts and Tables: Charts and tables should be presented in the body of the text in a way that allows editing. Figures and graphs should have the best possible image quality, so that sharpness is maintained.

First page: Title in the language in which it was written and in English (centered alignment); Abstract in the language in which it was written and in English (justified alignment and up to 300 words); Keywords: at least 3 and at most 5 terms in the language in which it was written and in English, starting with a capital letter, separated by a semicolon.

Scientific integrity: the authors assume full and total responsibility for the integrity of the submitted work, that is, ensuring that there is no occurrence of fabricated data, falsification of results or plagiarism in the preparation of the texts. The authors are aware that the works submitted for publication in the Liceu On-line Journal may be subjected by the editors to plagiarism detection software.


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