
  • Marcia Regina Lourenço MBA Strategic Business Management Campus Osasco Unifesp
  • Heloisa Candia Hollnagel Department of Accounting Campus Osasco Unifesp
  • Ricardo Luiz Pereira Bueno Department of Business Administratin Campus Osasco Unifesp
  • Luiz Jurandir Simões de Araújo Department of Actuarial Science Unifesp EAC/ FEA/ USP Universidade de São Paulo


The quality of life for the elderly is associated with a more active life: moderate physical activity, healthy eating, increasing social ties and keeping the mind stimulated. This article aims to prepare an economic and operational feasibility study of a care center for the elderly in the RMSP. Due to the increase in life expectancy, evidenced by the growth of 21.5 years between 1950 and 2014, and the difficulty of allocating caregivers within the family in large urban centers, the institution that is planned to be created is a center for Daycare of care elderly that does not require special professional care. The study is presented in the following stages: introduction, theoretical reference, applied methodology and conclusions. The results indicate that the enterprise is economically viable and of great relevance, currently 15% of the population in the AMPS is made up of the elderly, projections indicate that in 2030 it will be 20% and in 2050 this population will correspond to 30%. In the demographic scenario, the enterprise is a, responsible for the care of the elderly, promoting the development of healthy aging, autonomy and the strengthening of social.

Author Biographies

  • Marcia Regina Lourenço, MBA Strategic Business Management Campus Osasco Unifesp

    Bachelor in Business Administration with Specialization in Information Technology from Faculdade de Informática e Administração Paulista - FIAP. MBA in Strategic Business Management from Universidade Federal de São Paulo - UNIFESP and Specialization in Cybersecurity and Technological Risk Management from Fundação Instituto de Administração - FIA. Acting since 2008 in information technology, including managing cybersecurity projects and protecting digital data.

  • Heloisa Candia Hollnagel, Department of Accounting Campus Osasco Unifesp
    Graduated in Biological Sciences from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (1989) and in Mathematics with an emphasis in Informatics from Universidade Paulista - UNIP (2012), Master (1994) and Ph.D. (2000) in Sciences from the University of São Paulo. Since 2001, she has been a Professor and Coordinator of Traditional and Technological Undergraduate, and Graduate Courses in several Institutions, participating in several university extension projects and sustainability research. Has more than two decades of experience in Third Sector organizations` fund-raising to carry out Socio-environmental projects, some of them, with grants of national and international development agencies. She is a tenured professor at the Federal University of São Paulo-Unifesp-Campus Osasco in the Department of Accounting, lecturing courses like "Entrepreneurial Experience," "Social and Environmental Accounting," and "Elaboration and Viability of Socio-environmental Project for SMEs". Nowadays, she is part of the Professional Master's Program in Civil Engineering at Universidade São Judas Tadeu as a faculty member (collaborator).
  • Ricardo Luiz Pereira Bueno, Department of Business Administratin Campus Osasco Unifesp

    Associated professor at the Federal University of São Paulo-Unifesp, holds a bachelor, master and PhD in Business Management from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (2010). Has experience lecturing in MBA, undergraduate and graduate courses focusing on Business Creation and Entrepreneurial decision-making. Have 20yrs of executive business experience supporting relevant spin-offs from stablished corporations.

  • Luiz Jurandir Simões de Araújo, Department of Actuarial Science Unifesp EAC/ FEA/ USP Universidade de São Paulo

    Bachelor in Actuary, FEA/Universidade de São Paulo - USP (2018) and undergraduate of Accounting from Fundação Instituto de Pesquisas Contábeis, Atuariais e Financeiras - Fipecafi (conclusion, 2023). From 1981 to 1992: programmer, systems analyst. From 1992 to 1994 Software engineer and programmer of biomedical software (cardiac signal processing and signal processing). Administrative Director of Fap/Unifesp (Support Foundation of the Federal University of São Paulo) from January/2019 to March/2021. Currently, the director of InnovaScion (an investment company in R&D and management and structuring of new business) and UDHEC (Usina do Desenvolvimento Humano EC), specializing in ESG projects. Tenured professor at FEA/USP and Department of Actuarial Sciences at Unifesp.


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